Learn how to dance with VIBE Fitness®

So You Think You CAN’T Dance?

• Do you claim to have two left feet?

• Do you consider yourself a “non-dancer” or “rhythmically challenged”?

• When everyone else hits the dance floor, are you left watching their stuff?

If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, then this series is for YOU! Contrary to popular belief, dance is not a skill one must be born with. Like anything else, with good instruction and a bit of practice even the self proclaimed “dance challenged” can learn how to bust a move or two.

This series is designed to ease you into the basic steps/moves from which all dance is derived. Beginning with a march in place we will take you on a journey through the key base movements. Along the way we will cover direction and end with an exciting finale where we will apply our new skills to different styles and genres.

Get ready to unleash your inner dancer! Let’s get started  >>> 5, 6, 7, 8…

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